Monday 2 March 2009

In Country Training – February 2009

When I returned to Addis for the Ethiopian run, it was an interesting feeling returning with more confidence in communicating and travelling around on the taxis.  The flight cost 1200 Birr (£60) but considering that is more than half a month's wages.  I am glad for two reasons that I am not living here.  One, they have not had the opportunity to see the country or witness as much cultural differences and two, the capital is dirty, smelly and too fast living – the same as I see London.  However, it is all worth it though, as I was able to catch up with the many volunteers who have stayed in the capital.  The main advantage, as ever, is the chance to purchase some rare items: risotto rice, coathangers and peanut M&Ms.


This second time returning to the Red Cross Training Centre to help the new volunteers was a exciting experience and opportunity.  Arrogant it may be but I knew when I was there the first time I could see myself doing this job.  Planning the week before was frustrating as names kept being added and removed from the list just days before arrivals.  Packs were produced and over 1000 plastic wallets were opened.  Despite the work however, it is always interesting seeing the work from the other side of the fence.  As volunteers are not just accepted from the UK; they also arrive from Canada, Australia, Philippines, Kenya, Uganda, Netherlands and India; I became a regular at the arrivals lounge.  One day I was there welcoming an Aussie at 4am which was followed by the Brits the following morning at 1:30am.  Bedtime at 3:30am - that was a long day.


The week went by quickly.  Made all the more easier as I dispelled a few rumours, started a few of my own and tried to let people come to terms with life without internet banking and facebook.  The highlight of the week had to be leaving the British Embassy.  As a guard witnessed someone taking a photo, after being explicitly asked not to, he was whisked back inside and clearly given a stern talking to.  Sheepishly he returned minus photographs.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT !!!!!! NO FACEBOOK how do you fill your time lol x