This weekend I visited one of the cluster schools that Crissy supports. There are about 50, split into 5 woredas (LEAs) around Abi Adi covering a very large area. The team spend most weekends with early starts (around 7) carrying out training for the teachers in that area. Training is on Assessment, Lesson Plans – the usual. On this occasion, I went along to set up the computer that had previously been donated by the college and to carry out some informal training for the admin staff. Not so successful as after installing anti-virus it refused to boot.
The following was a set of notes that I intended to use to write up a section for the blog. Instead I decided to leave it as a poetic list of my journey. Feel free to ask for clarification and comment on poetry skills.
Low flat trees, Remote Houses, Hidden Houses,
Dry, Red, Rusty, Wide roads winding up hills,
Lorry, slow, concrete block
Dead dog in the road
Small areas of farmland split by stone walls,
Road signs, Bridges, Pylons, Side markers,
Crops and food surround,
Lone River, Water project,
Huts, sticks, loose stones, branch roofs
Girls staying away from school: toilets, marriage
Stream walking to market,
Abi Adi large local town,
Collect plastic bottles, yellow plastic tubs on heads
Child Shepherds, Cows, Donkeys, Obey the car beep,
Ox harvest tef, separate seed for injera
Eleven in the car, Stop to get 5 more in, Ferenji up front
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