Friday, 24 October 2008


Procedure for removing 1400 books from the store and donating to 52 schools.


1.      Write a list of books (title and author) that are required, while battling against dust and ants on bookshelf.

2.     Wait for the list to be typed up by the store lady.  This list may not be accurate: "Prehistoric Arousals" or "Hen's Pens Jokes" with an extra i!

3.     Optional - Check list yourself for accuracy of titles.

4.     Cross check that similar versions are included as the same and count number of books.

5.     Write a letter to the Dean and both Vice-Deans requesting books be released from the store.  All copies of letter should be signed by two people from the department.

6.     Provide the management committee, who meet every 3 months, with the list of books to be released from the store.  Wait for their agreement (any inaccuracies require another committee)

7.     Pass agreement to the Dean and both Vice Deans to enable the infamous Purple Stamp!

8.     Take approval to the store to get books released.

9.     Sign the list into your possession.

10.   Every book on the list is checked off against the master list out of the store.

11.     Any inaccuracies (even minor i.e. wrong author or number of books different) in the list require a new list to be stamped.

12.    Sort books into piles for cluster schools and create sub-lists for each school.

13.    Three copies of each sub-list are sent to receive a purple stamp.

14.   Each school checks their pile of books with their list and signs three copies of their sub-list into their possession.  One copy for the school, one for the book store and one for the vice-dean.

15.    Once the books arrive at each school, they are required to send headed notepaper as a stamped receipt for the books.

16.   Kids enjoy reading!


P.S.  All of these books were donated (not bought) to the college by various charities.

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