Friday 12 September 2008


The time has really come - I’m actually off. So all that remains for me to do, while I still have broadband, is once again to thank each and every one of you. Ever since I first suggested the idea, back in May, all of you have been incredibly positive, provided advice and offered assistance if required. For that, I am truly grateful, humbled and pleased that I have so many caring and thoughtful friends.

Firstly, thanks to all that have homed me over the last 6 weeks: The Lawrence family as the first week away from home was always going to be tough. Jon & Jane, Helen & Bill, Matt & Jaye and Jim & Becky and VSO for 9 days of training in Birmingham – the food was very good.

My old class, who will by now have started their exciting journey into secondary school. I wish you all the best and the large red card with your comments on will be the first thing blu-tacked to my wall. All the staff at New Whittington for my gifts and kind words of support when I still had to focus on the end of term. Thanks to Lindie and Dad for storing all my stuff, and to John and Lindie for my lift to the station.

Richard for his truly endless patience when I get stressed with computers and the tools and utilities he has provided which will undoubtedly keep me sane while there.

My leaving do was a lovely experience – so thanks to all that attended including Hannah, Carol, Rob and with Iain, Liz and Ant coming all the way from down south. Thanks to Ant for a quality final night and bed in London the night before I left.

Lou deserves thanks for bringing the idea into the forefront of my mind and providing me with the opportunity to see Africa first hand. Without others carving the way, many of us would not follow.

Next to all those that fed me in that final week: Jez & Sarah – a delicious roast,
Rie, Dan and Mary for a delightful risotto, Lucy & Neil for Steak with multiple sauces and Jim & Becky for the chilli. Furthermore, life would have been very difficult without Jaye providing lifts around Sheffield after I sold my car.

So that Jo, Hannah, Dan and Becca do not feel left out, I would also like to thank them as talking to them and listening to their experiences and advice has helped me to both focus and prepare for this journey.

Lastly to my family for their housing, support (both financial and emotional) and endless patience with my grumpy moods. My brother is likely to very sick of this trip as he has been given the task of looking after my finances and correspondence. Thanks to mum for my final lift to the station.

If I have forgotten anyone else, then I can only apologise, as organised as I have been over the last 3 months, I have had more lists and tasks than ever. I wish you all endless amounts of health and happiness and hope you will be just as keen to see me return.


Anonymous said...

aaawwww! that was really nice woody(can i call u woody now?) try not to cry at the airport cos u said 2 me u probably would! have a great journey . bye from Chloe.

Anonymous said...

hope u remember me poo pants
from yelena xx

Hope everything is goin ok, see u soon
from Beth xx