Monday, 12 January 2009

Meanings of Names

Below is a selection of names with their meanings in brackets.


A: Addisalem (New World), Assefu (Advance)

B: Berhane (Light), Birkty (blessed)

C: Chirkos (baby SAINT),

D: Deselgn (Happy), Desta (Happiness)

E: Endrias (SAINT), Eyrusalem (Jersualem)

F: Fikadu (Permission), Frehiwot (new life)

G: Goitom (Lord), Genet (Heaven)

H: Haftom (Rich), Hiwot (life)

K: Kebre (Respect), Kidan (Promise)

L: Lemlem (Fertile land), Leterbrhan

M: Muluberhane (Full of light), Mesila (Copy)

N: Nuruhsen, Netsanet (Freedom)

Q: Quhellen (Eye-liner)

R: Redae (Helper),

S: Shisay (Wealth),

T: Tesfay (Hope), Tekle (Plantation)

W: Woldu (Son of),

Y: Yassin, Yemane (Rights)

Z: Zelealem (Forever) , Zewdu (Crown)


Some interesting translations I think you'll agree. 


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this names and their meanings!