Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Departure Time 1935

While I sit at Addis Abeba Bole Airport waiting for my return flight, I thought I would make another entry.  It may not be the last as I expect to share photos, videos and stories after my August tour.  However, my time as VSO volunteer here is nearly over. 
I left Abi Adi 2 weeks ago and after spending some time in Mekelle organsing cars, hotels and maximising my return stay, I travelled to Addis.  Here I have been completing my exit visa, police clearance, exit interview and settlling accounts.  I type with mixed emotions as I remember some incredible times but I am more than looking forward to returning to the UK and catching up with everyone.

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Anonymous said...

Bet you will have mixed emotions
:( we can only imagine a fraction of the new friends/people, sights & cultures you have experienced. looking forward to seeing the photos you will add to your blog at the end of your adveture. Safe journey back take care xx

Anonymous said...

just wondered ----r u on facebook ???
take care xx

woody said...

Sorry I was but not anymore. I get all comments via email though.
